CAC24A Speaker - Eduard Grün

1 min read
Mar 27, 2024 5:24:45 PM

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 8.25.22 PM


Eduard Grün (GFT Technologies)

After 13 years working for Festo as the Blockchain & DLT Development Lead since 2019, Eduard Grün recently joined GFT Technologies and is now part of the blockchain department. At GFT Technologies, he and his team members focus on driving innovation in financial technology while exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA), and the integration of Web3 technology. Due to his expertise in the area of DLT and blockchain, he is also a founding member of the blockchain network European Public Network e.V. and educates young students as a lecturer at DHBW Stuttgart. Besides his blockchain affinity, Eduard has an impressive educational background with an engineering degree from Universität Stuttgart and has participated in a panel discussion about blockchain adoption in mechanical engineering in the past.

LinkedIn: Eduard Grün

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