CAC Speaker - Dr. Marc Henniges

1 min read
Sep 21, 2023 8:57:28 AM

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Dr. Marc Henniges (d-fine)

Dr. Marc Henniges serves as a Senior Manager at d-fine, leveraging his expertise in blockchain practices for over 11 years. With a foundation in physics, Dr. Henniges has adeptly transitioned to the intricate world of blockchain, where he focuses on electronic securities, tokenization, decentralized identity, and DLT-related business strategies. Throughout his tenure, he has played a pivotal role in numerous client projects, ranging from tokenization to self-sovereign identity and has garnered proficiency in central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and pay-per-use applications. Marc's multifaceted knowledge of the blockchain universe aids clients in streamlining their blockchain enterprises, encompassing everything from project management to effective implementation. Before joining d-fine, he delved into research at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, where he worked on generative models in computer vision. Dr. Henniges's commitment to innovation and proficiency in the digital asset realm makes him a leading figure in the crypto and blockchain consultancy sector.

LinkedIn: Dr. Marc Henniges